Monday, August 10, 2009

Revolutions of Waste

So, we all want to "go green" with our plastic water bottles and hybrid sport utility vehicles, right? We also expect the men and women in government to represent what we, the people, beleive is right and expect them to fight for what is in our best interest. Through the Bush years, we saw little effort of the governments part to help push our country toward a more friendly lifestyle, with this came increasing agitation among the EPA, environmentalists and democrats on the hill.
Bush's answer to these outcries was a quick budget cut to the EPA, ignoring environmentalists and other politicians and boasting to the world that we are the biggest polluters on earth. Thanks for the plug, buddy.
It is sometimes fun to poke fun at George Walker Bush. However, that time is over, perhaps he screwed us into a couple endless wars and did nothing that the nation called on him to do about impending climate catastrophie, but please let by-gone's be by-gone's, eh?
Now we have Obama. The savior, er charlatan to be more precise perhaps. I voted for the man, but I fear I was part of a large group that really just couldn't stand the sight of McCain or the voice of Palin.
Why do I bash Mr. Obama? Well, frankly, I feel duped, used and betrayed. I voted for Obama (partially for reasons previously mentioned) because I beleived he was environmentally friendly. I was, and many others, were wrong.
The associated Press released a story about SUPERFUND sites, which the EPA defines as "uncontrolled or abandoned place where hazardous waste is located, possibly affecting local ecosystems or people." The story details how the Bush administration actually averaged 17 completed clean up projects at these sites per year more than the Obama administration is planning on finishing in his first two years of office. Both of them gave the same answer:we're broke.
Now, Bush allowed for the tax on polluters to expire and he refused to reinstate it. Obama is working on that, and it will, hopefully (although we know the pace of our government so doubtfully) become law again in 2011. What happens until then?
The sites probably become worse. The chance that the pollutants will find ways into ground water and air will increase the longer we allow them to sit where thay are. Making the projects yet even MORE complicated and MORE expensive whenever that bill does roll around to Obamas desk in two years.
Will the environment forever be stuck on the back burner? Say it ain't so, Mr. President...say it ain't so.

the colonel

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